Empower Your Full-Field Vision Learner!
Do you have a child who is struggling to learn to read, despite the fact that your child is obviously bright, inquisitive, and energetic? Full-Field Vision Learning™ is a tried-and-true approach that offers parents and educators effective techniques for teaching reading to students who are classified as "dyslexic," but are recognized as using "full-field vision. In this blog post, let's look at the 10 essential steps for implementing Full-Field Vision Learning™ in your child's reading instruction.
1) Embrace Your Child's Unique Learning Style.
Dyslexia is NOT a learning disability; it is a learning difference. You can begin to embrace your child's unique learning style by changing your vocabulary to reflect this truth.
A great first step is to replace the negative label of "dyslexic student" with the positive descriptor, "full-field vision learner." Chapter 1 explains the importance of this first step to your child's self-concept and to a positive teaching outlook.
2) Create a supportive learning environment by teaching your full-field vision learners how their brains function differently.
These kids need to know the gifts and strengths that their particular brain makeup brings to the table. This subject is covered extensively in Chapter 2.
3) Train the Eye Muscles to Move Smoothly from Left-to-Right.
Techniques for training the eye muscles are included in Chapter 3.
4) Narrow the Visual Field.
Learning to narrow the visual field can be extremely challenging for a full-field vision learner! You will learn how to help the student hone this skill in Chapter 4 of the book.
5) Supply the Word During Oral Reading.
You may be tempted to say, "Sound it out" when your child hesitates when attempting to read a word, but don't do it! Immediately supply the word. You'll find out why in Chapter 5.
6) Attach Pictures to Letter Sounds, Words, and Phrases.
Remember that one of the strengths of full-field vision learners is their ability to "think in pictures." You can use this talent to their advantage using the strategies in Chapter 6.
7) Introduce Words and Phrases in Context.
As one full-field vision learner told me, "Context is everything!!!" After all, your nose can run, your refrigerator can run, you can make a run in baseball, or you can finish a 5K run. All those runs have different meanings in their various contexts. See how to build this skill in Chapter 7.
8) Use a Font That Is Easy to Read.
A font that is clear, simple, and sized correctly can make reading easier for any reader, but especially for the full-field vision learner. Check out my font suggestions in Chapter 8.
9) Use Patterns and Chunks to Aid Perception.
Enable your full-field vision learner to pick up speed with the use of patterns and chunks to aid perception. The tricks of this tool can be found in Chapter 9.
10) Individualize Instruction.
Although full-field vision learners have some characteristics in common, every student is a unique individual with his or her own set of gifts, talents, moods, and preferences. Using the tools found in Chapter 10, you can zero in on these strengths in order to individualize instruction for your student's best advantage.
Unlock the Potential of "Dyslexic" Children Through Full-Field Vision Learning.
By implementing these 10 essential strategies, you can help your child overcome their reading challenges and unlock their true potential. Full-Field Vision Learning™ offers a powerful and effective approach to teaching reading, empowering "dyslexic" children to succeed in school and in life. Embrace this innovative method and watch your child thrive and grow as a capable and competent reader.